June 16, 2009

12 Networking Tips

What kinds of news are you getting every day from your LinkedIn groups? For example, recently on the ASK LinkedIn group discussion board, DePaul alum John Jameson shared these Networking Tips from a recent networking survey he conducted of experienced networkers:

1. Networking relationships are about quality and strength, not quantity.
2. Be yourself, be open minded, and step outside of your comfort zone.
3. Have goals in networking but make it about them. Pay it forward.
4. We have two ears and one mouth, use them proportionally.
5. Do it early and often. Build your network before you need it.
6. Never turn down a connection and don’t burn bridges; you never know who is connected to who.
7. Think of three things that you want people to remember about you.
8. Build a personal Board of Directors .
9. Only ask for what you would be willing to do for someone else.
10. Start with “warm contacts” like neighbors, friends, alumni associations, etc. if you’re uncomfortable networking.
11. Never make an empty promise .
12. Be Genuine.

These simple rules will help you as you consider long-term, short-term, personal, and professional networking needs and opportunities.